Upcoming October 2019 Project Grant and Small Grant Application Deadlines

Manitoba Law Foundation | July 17, 2019

The next deadlines for applications to the Manitoba Law Foundation for Project Grants and Small Grants are fast approaching. Applications are due on or before October 1st for Project Grants and on or before October 31st for Small Grants, for consideration by the Board of Directors in December 2019.

Small Grants support small, one-time, distinct law-related projects. To qualify as a Small Grant, a project must:

  • have a total budget of up to but not exceeding $20,000;
  • be of no more than one year in duration;
  • fall within one or more of the Foundation’s objectives; and
  • not be a continuing program.

Projects that do not meet these criteria but that fall within the Foundation’s statutory objectives may qualify for funding as a Project Grant.

The Foundation’s Board determined this June to invite applications for Project and Small Grant funding that are innovative and/or collaborative projects that further access to justice and that address any or all of the following needs:

  • Legal services for rural and remote areas of Manitoba
  • Legal services that specifically support Indigenous issues and communities
  • Supporting delivery of legal support services by intermediaries and advocates
  • French language legal services and supports

All grant applications, of course, must also fall within at least one of the Foundation’s mandate areas of legal education, legal research, law reform, legal aid services, and the development and maintenance of law libraries.

Click here for more information and details on how to apply. Don’t delay!