March 31, 2022 Small Grant Application Deadline

Manitoba Law Foundation | January 31, 2022

The next deadline for Small Grants Applications to the Manitoba Law Foundation is Thursday, March 31, 2022, with applications being considered by the Board of Directors in June 2022.

The Foundation’s Board is inviting applications for Small Grant funding that further legal education, legal research, legal services/supports, and law reform activities that address and include:

  • Gaps in services to Northern, rural and remote areas of Manitoba;
  • Indigenous legal issues and communities, and/or Reconciliation;
  • French language legal services and supports;
  • Innovations and changes to legal system operations that offer improvements in access to justice in Manitoba; and,
  • Systemic discrimination experienced by racialized and marginalized groups in Manitoba’s legal systems.

The Small Grants program is intended to support small, one-time distinct projects of up to one year in duration that provide an end product or service or result that is sustainable without further Foundation funding. Grant requests for consideration in the Small Grants Program must be $20,000 or less.

Click here for more information and details on how to apply. Reach out to our Executive Director, Erin Wilcott, at to discuss your proposal and obtain the necessary application package.