About Access to Justice in Manitoba

Director of A2J & Community Engagement
Manitoba has many organizations that provide legal education and information, legal aid services, and work to advance access to justice in the province.
To coordinate access work among these stakeholders, we provide funding to the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law for their Director of Access to Justice and Community Engagement position.
In this role, Natasha Brown leads access to justice initiatives and coordinates access work among stakeholders. Prior to assuming her current role, Natasha was the Director of Professional Practice & Externships at Robson Hall and was the former Legal Director of the Legal Help Centre of Winnipeg, Inc. (“LHC”). Natasha received her Bachelor of Education in 2001 and her Bachelor of Laws in 2005. Natasha worked in private practice, exclusively in the area of family law, until 2012 when she joined LHC. Natasha currently teaches Access to Justice at Robson Hall.
A2J Hub
Manitoba’s Access to Justice Hub represents a commitment to building a coherent, collaborative, and coordinated approach to addressing the justice system. An extension of the Director of Access to Justice and Community Engagement’s office at the University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Law, this platform is a central location for existing participants in the A2J network to connect to their community. On this website you will find the A2J Blog, the latest Manitoba Access to Justice Stakeholders newsletter, information on Access to Justice Week and its participants, and information about the newly appointed Access to Justice Advisory Network and its members.
A2J Newsletter
The Director of Access to Justice and Community Engagement coordinates a quarterly newsletter, “Manitoba’s Access to Justice Stakeholders” to keep A2J stakeholders connected to updates in their community, including achievements, developments, or changes in services across A2J organizations, as well as highlighting upcoming A2J events and prominent A2J news in the province.
To subscribe and participate in building a better connected A2J community in Manitoba, please visit: