What to Expect

Information for Grant Recipients
Grant Agreement
Once your grant is approved, you’ll need to sign a Grant Agreement provided by the Foundation. This agreement outlines the approved use of the grant funds, and any changes must be pre-approved by the Foundation.
Grant Payments
There is some flexibility in setting the grant payment and reporting schedule and you can discuss your organization’s needs with the Executive Director. The Foundation will however holdback approximately ten percent of the total grant amount until the completion of the grant.
Before we can release any grant payments, you’ll need to meet the reporting requirements/ schedule set out in the Grant Agreement, including submitting a final report at the end of the grant. If narrative and financial reports are not received on time, it could lead to a pause in grant payments and impact future funding applications.
Unused Funds
If you have any leftover grant money when your grant ends, you must return it to the Foundation unless otherwise authorized. The return amount may be prorated if other funders also contributed to your project or program.