How to Apply

Steps to Apply for a Grant
Step 1:
See if your project or program aligns with our mandate, as well as our strategic objectives and additional granting priorities.
Step 2:
Request a (telephone, videoconference or in person) meeting with the Executive Director to discuss your funding inquiry at least one month prior to the application deadline. At the meeting, be prepared to discuss your program or project idea, specifically:
- how it aligns with our mandate, strategic objectives and additional granting priorities
- who it helps and the need(s) it will address, including the number or individuals, families and communities you anticipate serving
- how it impacts people living in Manitoba
- the expected outcomes and outputs, as well as how you will measure success
- who will be doing the work, along with information about required training/experience/qualifications
- how much funding is needed and whether other sources of funding are available/anticipated
Step 3:
If you are ready to proceed, you will be provided with an application package. Instructions on how to complete it are provided in the package, but you can also reach out to the Executive Director to ask questions.
Step 4:
Email your application to the Executive Director by the application deadline. If information is missing or more information is needed, you may be asked to provide it before the board considers the application. The Foundation’s board will make the final decision on all grant applications, and Foundation staff will inform you of the outcome within seven days of the meeting.
Who Can Apply
The Foundation provides grants to organizations, associations, institutions, and individuals. Typically, grant recipients should reside in Manitoba, and their program or project must offer direct benefits to Manitobans.
We may support a national program or project if it:
- Aligns with the Foundation’s objectives;
- Provides direct or indirect benefits to Manitobans; and,
- Receives adequate funding from other Canadian law foundations.