Bidding Farewell to Helen O’Connor

Manitoba Law Foundation | June 10, 2019

This spring, the Foundation is marking a number of transitions in its human resources. In June, long time Accounting Services Manager Helen O’Connor is leaving the Foundation after more than 20 years in that position.

Helen was first retained by Executive Director Bill Greenaway in the mid-1990s, after wrapping up her career with Price Waterhouse Coopers (as it then was known). She is wholly responsible for setting up the Foundation’s formal accounting systems. Working part-time, she has been responsible for record-keeping and grant administration since she was hired.

Bill Greenaway, on hearing of Helen’s impending departure, commented:

Helen was not only everything that our Auditors had said she was, but she was also one of the nicest people you could ever hope to work with.

We couldn’t agree more. Last week, members of the staff and board, past and present, gathered to celebrate Helen’s many contributions to the Foundation’s work over more than two decades. Her feet may be small, but her footprint is large (and elegant!)

Helen will be wrapping up her role at the Foundation this month, as she continues to transfer her vast experience and knowledge to Donna Frame, the new Accounting Services Manager. That means there’s still a chance to send her a note or give her a call to wish her well in her second retirement!