Upcoming October 2023 Grant Application Deadlines

Manitoba Law Foundation | July 31, 2023

The next deadlines for applications to the Foundation for Project Grants and Small Grants are fast approaching. Applications are due on or before Monday, October 2, 2023 for Project Grants and on or before Tuesday, October 31, 2023 for Small Grants, for consideration by the Board of Directors in December 2023.

The Small Grants Program is intended to support small, one-time distinct projects of up to one year in duration that provide an end product or service or result that is sustainable without further Foundation funding. Grant requests for consideration in the Small Grants Program must be $20,000 or less.

The Project Grants Program is intended to support finite projects that do not fall within the parameters of the Small Grants Program, whether in terms of duration or value of the grant request.

While discretionary grants are normally made for a term of one year, the Foundation may consider a multi-year application to the Project Grants Program where the nature of the project is best served by a longer-term commitment. Any multi-year funding will be subject to the Foundation continuing to have sufficient resources to fulfill the grant. 

All grant applications must fall within at least one of the Foundation’s five mandated areas of legal education, legal research, law reform, legal aid services, and the development and maintenance of law libraries. The board is inviting applications that fall within its mandate and that also address one or more of the Foundation’s strategic objectives or additional granting priorities, as set out below.

Strategic Objectives:

  • Increase Access to Justice in Remote and Northern Manitoba.
  • Increase Access to Justice in Rural Manitoba.

Additional Granting Priorities:

  • French language legal services and supports; and
  • Systemic discrimination experienced by racialized and marginalized groups in Manitoba’s legal systems.

Click here for more information and details on how to apply. Reach out to our Executive Director, Erin Wilcott, at ewilcott@manitobalawfoundation.org to discuss your proposal and obtain the necessary application package.

Prior applicants are asked not to use application packages previously provided to them as there have been recent changes to the Foundation’s application package.