
Interim Reporting

For interim reports, we ask that you:

  • Provide an overview of the key grant-related activities you’ve completed and outcomes you’ve achieved since the beginning of your grant or since your last report [if multiple interim reports are required].
  • Indicate whether the key activities and outcomes are on track. If not, explain what changed, why, and how you addressed these changes?
  • Indicate whether you anticipate any changes to your planned activities, timelines, or expected outcomes and if so, provide a description. 
  • Share whether there is anything else the Foundation needs to know about your grant, your organization or the communities you serve.
  • With reference to the approved grant budget, provide a budget to actual format financial report indicating:
    • Whether your spending is on track and if not, provide an explanation.
    • Whether you anticipate spending the remaining grant funds as anticipated and if not, request approval to reallocate funds.

Final Reporting

For final reports, we ask that you:


  • Provide an overview of the key grant-related activities you completed and outcomes you accomplished since your last report. (If you need an extension of your grant timelines to successfully complete your grant, please contact the Executive Director).
  • Indicate whether the project unfolded as planned and if not, explain what changed and why.
  • Provide copies of materials, including reports, papers, or other published materials.
  • Please attach or direct us (i.e., using hyperlinks) to instances where Foundation funding was acknowledged. 


  • Provide details of who benefited from the project and how.
  • Provide a summary of feedback from client questionnaires.
  • Describe your dissemination and/or outreach activities and comment on how successful they were.
  • Consider sharing an illustrative story or testimonial that demonstrates the impact of your funded project. Please indicate whether the subject of the story would be willing to have the story shared publicly. 


  • With reference to the approved grant budget, financial reports must be provided in a budget to actual format.
  • Include explanatory notes for any major variances and indicate where there the Foundation provided approval of reallocation of funds.
  • Include all sources of revenue related to the project budget.
  • Show real numbers and be prepared to produce all invoices and receipts if requested.


  • Share whether there is anything the Foundation can do to better support your organization or your grant-funded programs or projects in the future. Your feedback is valued and appreciated.